Today’s world is complicated.

My goal is to support young people in finding their own ways of creatively navigating it.

About the Program

Through Rocca Creative Mentoring, I offer ongoing one-on-one weekly or bi-weekly mentor meetings for youth and young adults ages 7-21, as well as arts-based groups and workshops focused on mutual support, peer mentoring and collective celebration. Both individual and group sessions focus on discovering creative ways to explore, tackle, and find meaning in life’s challenges.


There is no set structure to our

one-on-one meetings – they are entirely

co-created based on each young person’s unique goals, needs, concerns and interests.

This means that one week we might meet for a hike, the next week we might meet at a community art studio, and the week following we might catch up over Zoom or FaceTime.

Relocation Notice

I recently moved my practice from Santa Cruz to Sacramento. I am therefore offering outdoor-based sessions in the Sacramento area, as well as virtual sessions for clients nationwide.

Four Elements of Creative Mentoring

While each mentorship will look different, these unifying elements will be central to our work.


Getting to know our creative spirit helps us get to know ourselves; painting, collage, music, poetry, movement, cooking, you name it! Creative process can offer new perspective on life’s challenges



Life moves so fast, important moments often get lost in the mix; in our time together, we’ll make space to honor these moments and the significance they have in your life


Sometimes the best medicine is removing ourselves from our normal pace of life and remembering that we are part of something bigger; time in nature is excellent at that



When everything else falls away, our relationships are what sustain us; groups and workshops help us develop community through shared experience, mutual support, and collective celebration


I aim to co-create space with my clients where they can ask difficult questions, explore issues and ideas that are important to them, discover their strengths and gain a feeling of belonging through connection with their creative spirit, community, and environment.

To learn more about my relationship to creativity as a tool for insight, growth and connection, check out this blog post.