Meditations for energetic spring

Is it just me, or does spring feel extra potent this year? Extra “spring-y”? The grass seems greener, the mustard and poppies brighter, the bird songs more cheerful and full of life.

Perhaps it is just me, or perhaps it’s because this spring feels energetically aligned with where we’re at as individuals, and as a society.

We are deeply cyclical beings, us humans. Our lives go through energetic seasons just like the natural world does. Our winters are moments of rest and recharge, our springs a time of growth, renewal and inspiration, our summers are filled with high energy (go! do!) and our autumns with retreat and reflection.

We experience this same kind of cyclical nature as a collective, and on a societal level, it feels as if we have been in the midst of a very long winter. The longest in many of our lifetimes. 

Maybe personally, you’re not feeling very “spring-y” right now. Maybe you feel righteously exhausted from this past year, and what you really need is a fall, and then a longgg winter that will allow you to hibernate and replenish. Wherever you’re at in your cycle, here are a few prompts to meditate on or journal about as we welcome this change of the seasons..

Meditations for Spring:

  • Reflect on the past year as one long collective winter.. In what ways has this been true for your life? In what ways has it not? What have you learned, gathered, or gained from this long period of stillness? What have you lost that still needs grieving?

  • As nature welcomes Spring and the world around us buzzes with new life, notice what seems to be giving you new life. What’s been capturing your attention? What are you looking at with a fresh set of eyes? 

  • Reflect on your last days and weeks.. where has your energy been focused? The past? the present? the future? the netflix screen? What does this tell you about what season you’re in personally?

  • We accept the natural seasons as they are.. the blistering heat of summer, the allergies of spring, the shorter days of fall and winter.. knowing that as always, they will end. What intention do you have for this season of yours, knowing that it too, shall end? How will you accept your season, and accept yourself exactly where you are?


The productivity of play


At-home workshop: Integrating grief through music & movement