
My name is Lyndsey. I’m a Master’s level Expressive Arts Therapist providing sliding-scale creative mentorship for youth.


Art -

Nature -

Ritual -


Through these four elements, creative mentoring provides young people with new tools and compassionate companionship as they begin to explore big questions - like what’s important to them and how they want to show up in the world - while at the same time navigating big challenges such as grief and loss, change and transition, mental health struggles, conflict with family and friends, and grappling with the larger injustices of our world.

Let’s Connect

I offer free consultations to see if creative mentorship would be a good fit for you and your family.

Call or email me directly, or request a consultation using the form below.

(831) 246-6144


“If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it”

- Toni Morrison